27/12/2020 17:15 Indexed under:
Scientific Watch(Post updated and published on 2020-12-30 at 18:15. Updated on 2021-01-01 at 10:30.)
Despite an unprecedented societal context, which remains both stressful and challenging in every way, I’m closing this reporting dashboard 2020 with yet another conclusive resolution of the problem-solving cycle presented early this year (1, 2). A situation which paradoxically - i.e. "by default" - translates into a renewal in due form (i.e. in the form of a request for rectification of material errors) of the cassation complaint I filed in January, considering that the question of the practical modalities of the refinancing owed to me in compensation for the moral and financial prejudice sustained due to the underlying "open" litigation is abusively being kept unsettled (i.e. open), in a way that betrays a strategy of letting things rot on the spot.
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Graphic Bundle 08/10
As announced in November, I’m now closing my remastering agenda for 2020 with the Dashfolios 2016 & 2018 of graphic bundle 08/10, which covers the infrastructural dimensions of the globally web-sustained master franchising perimeter in development.
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