Graphic Bundle 08/10
As announced in November, I’m now closing my remastering agenda for 2020 with the Dashfolios 2016 & 2018 of graphic bundle 08/10, which covers the infrastructural dimensions of the globally web-sustained master franchising perimeter in development.As a reminder: while version 2016 of my RSS-enabled reporting dashboard (1) framed the overall publication cycle into a Testfolio Omega (2) having the force of a proof of concept, version 2018 thereof (3) had to be more specifically dedicated to the introduction of a conceptual interpretation of the GDPR (4) with regard to the same global master franchising infrastructure.
What could be more fitting than a "Marvel" theme template to invite you to reconsider that huge - and yet still beta-blocked (i.e. unrealized) - potential for conceptual optimization?
Until we meet again for the annual closing post between the holidays, I wish you all a safe and merry Christmas (5).
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
Tags: Dashfolio