Closing Entry
27/12/2020 17:15 Indexed under:
Scientific Watch(Post updated and published on 2020-12-30 at 18:15. Updated on 2021-01-01 at 10:30.)
Despite an unprecedented societal context, which remains both stressful and challenging in every way, I’m closing this reporting dashboard 2020 with yet another conclusive resolution of the problem-solving cycle presented early this year (1, 2). A situation which paradoxically - i.e. "by default" - translates into a renewal in due form (i.e. in the form of a request for rectification of material errors) of the cassation complaint I filed in January, considering that the question of the practical modalities of the refinancing owed to me in compensation for the moral and financial prejudice sustained due to the underlying "open" litigation is abusively being kept unsettled (i.e. open), in a way that betrays a strategy of letting things rot on the spot.
As a logical outcome of the matrix-enabled counter-strategy "at play", the second remastering cycle 2019-2020 leads back to my web concept solution to the full spectrum of societal issues whose resolution I have been "beta-framing" - one folio at a time - into a virtual demonstration path since 2013. Against the background of the pending legal validation procedure, the remastering works to be completed will therefore be resumed in January with the remaining websites of graphic bundles 09/10 (Fortress theme) and 10/10 (Aspen theme), in the preparation of which the Wordpress bundle had to be reindexed under "CMS" as part of the recent update of the present Dashfolio 2020 to its final version 3.3 (3).
During all those publication years, this evolution has provided necessary and sufficient proof (of concept) that my "web-enabled master franchising solution for societal R&D" does indeed refer to a genuine concept-sustained solution in the fields of:
- "meta-research into self-sustained development", meaning
- "research into the research process itself", or even more specifically
- "fundamental research into applied development",
…which is why the present debriefing entry is indexed in the blog’s "Scientific Watch (4)" category…for the sake of a conceptually compliant - and retraceable - renewal of the underlying capitalization cycle.
Accordingly, the present Dashfolio 2020 will soon be republished - as each year - at the web address of the corresponding subdomain name (5), whereas version 2021 of the same RSS dashboard will be inaugurated at the present main domain address during the first half of January, as part of the usual new year’s updates.
Despite the context, I wish you the best possible start into the new year.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
Tags: Dashfolio