Lifting the Curtain
Graphic Bundle 07/10
(Published on 2020-11-01)
In these highly disruptive times of reconfinement, I’m pursuing my conceptual retro-prospective with the three web modules published during the "international year of light 2015", which, after two years of introduction to the fundamental principles of user experience optimization (2013) in a franchise-enabled network environment (2014), aimed both at lifting the curtain (Dashfolio 2015 [1]) on the economic (Gridfolio [2]) and societal model (Rightsfolio [3]) of self-governance ruling Planet+Ultra®, and at paving the way for the great consolidation - as from 2016 - of all building blocks into a proof of concept pertaining to the "NetPlusUltra®-sustained master franchising solution for societal R&D".The remastering of this graphic bundle (Clearing-enabled since 2017) will be completed in the first half of November as regards the Weblog page [4] of the Dashfolio 2015 and the last three chapters [6] of the Rightsfolio.
On the side of the instruction, things remain in progress as well with regard to the lawyer regularization procedure announced in August.
In our hope for better times, let’s remain watchful and positively tuned to the potential for innovation inherent in a crisis of such magnitude.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
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GermanFurther reading-
Tags: Dashfolio, Gridfolio, Rightsfolio