The (New) Basics of Web-Sustained Master-Franchising
30/05/2020 15:42 Indexed under:
Orga-Tech Watch | Integrative WatchGraphic Bundle 06/10, part 2/4
The Dashboard-enabled remastering in progress of both Omega modules of my technical proof-of-concept test is nearly completed with regard to the "Testfolio v2" website (1), whose version 3.0/2020 will be published by June 15.As the changeblog thereof, the Techfolio module (2) will therefore not be green-lighted for remastering before the above graphic revision is finished, considering that the focus of both updated versions will lie on the improvements implemented since the initial v1.0/2016 of the said "Testfolio Omega".
Until the third and last update notification hereto, I can only wish you a pleasant deconfinement.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
Tags: Testfolio Omega, Techfolio