New Generation Web Dashboards
29/04/2020 16:00 Indexed under:
Orga-Tech Watch | Cultural WatchGraphic Bundle 06/10, part 1/4
The management of my web project as it presented itself in 2003, at the very beginning of the instruction phase I had to initiate in 2005, required the development of a steering instrument (1) entirely dedicated to the permanent dismantling of the systemic complexity inherent in the sectarian interference problem whose protean nature already justified at the time the submission of a request to the French State Council.It wasn't until late 2012, after several years of "Research in conceptual Development" under Microsoft FrontPage 2002, that I was finally enabled to migrate my contents over to Mac OS X, and to publish as from 2014 those websites paving my conceptual demonstration track which serve as web construction panels for the CMS modules that required prior feasibility testing under appropriate access restriction.
Accordingly, each Dashboard-enabled module of graphic bundle 06/10 is the front-end specifications sheet of the corresponding WordPress module of my "CMS bundle (2)", which translates into a longer than usual remastering process that I decided to break down into two stages for the sake of a better conceptual separation of cultural and technical concerns by the target audiences.
While the revision in progress of my Extrafolio (3) and Hubfolio (4) websites is closing to an end, the remastering of the Testfolio Omega, Techfolio and Trustfolio modules dedicated to the technical-legal dimensions of the same global web enterprise had therefore to be postponed to May.
I thank you for your patience, as mine too is being put to the test.
Daniela BERNDTThis post in
French /
GermanFurther reading-
Tags: Extrafolio, Hubfolio, Masterfolio, Techfolio, Testfolio Alpha, Testfolio Omega, Trustfolio